"Training for Life"

"Mark’s training goes beyond helpful pointers. He works with you to develop a system for improved speaking I will use the rest of my life." – Jack Shellard, Founder/Yankee Business Solutions

"Enormous Asset"

"Mark understands media as well as anyone. His insights on today’s environment and what the future will bring are an enormous asset."
-- John Kelly, NY State Broadcasters' Hall of Famer

"Fantastic Presentation"

"Mark, the reaction to your presentation was fantastic! Your insightful comments were right on target." -- Dr. Ross Thomson, Networking Event Chair

Welcome to Grimm Academy with its free tuition and open admission. It provides many brief videos,
each on a single topic, to help you with some important challenge. Feel free to share them with
your company, organization, agency or association....or a friend that could use some help.

Subscribe here to Mark's YouTube channel for even more videos!


                  What Makes A True Leader

Public Speaking...

.......More speaking videos here



A Good Place to Look for Motivation                 Persistence is Everything

Media Help...

            Great Press Release Tips               Media Training from Ex-TV Anchor

  Low-Cost Video Production for You!

If you have a topic of interest in communications or talent development you'd like explained better,
or you're looking for some inspiration, let Mark know: themarkgrimm@gmail.com